Cozy and Comfy as Oprah

Cozy Earth is a premium lifestyle brand that sells bamboo-based bedding and loungewear within the highly competitive DTC space. 

This page sought to address two gaps in their current user journey. Primarily, we wanted to match the Oprah-approved language on the pre-click side. And second, we wanted to answer the inevitable “why bamboo” query this audience held in high regard.


Tapping into the Oprah audience, we can make assertive claims that this influential individual approves of and uses Cozy Earth products.


Create a mid-funnel SEM page for high-intent PPC traffic. Made for those who know what they want, but are exploring non-cotton options within the market.

Solution & Results

For this page, we decided to highlight specific keywords in the H1 (premium, bamboo sheets, Oprah, Cool (temp-wise)), place relatable creative for this audience segment in the hero, and include how Cozy Earth is one of Oprah’s Favorite Things.

Our efforts yielded a CVR increase of more than 24% for this page alone.



